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You will meet a group of great people who all share a common interest in boating and who gather together for many social and other activities throughout the year. In addition, you will have the opportunity to participate in club organized weekend cruises to neighbouring Lake Huron ports. As a PFYC member, you will have a voice in determining not only what fundraising activities the club will pursue, but will also help determine how these raised funds will be donated and used within the community. Members are encouraged to volunteer and assist with the various activities the occur during the year that help the Club function. Club Dockers are required to assist with these activities in order to maintain their dock eligibility.
When you join you will receive a PFYC burgee for your boat that will identify you as a member.
What types of contributions and improvements has the Port Franks Yacht Club made to the community and local waterways?The contributions are numerous and varied but below is a summary of some of the most significant community improvements that the PFYC has initiated: · Contributed approximately $10,000 towards Dredging of the watershed between the Hwy 21 Bridge and the Conservation Park. · Provided the Blue Strobe Light to mark the harbour entrance. · Supported the township in the procurement of the Sand Blowing Tug that is used to maintain the river mouth entrance. · Since 1992, have provided and maintained the Lighted Green Marker that marks the entrance of the buoyed channel into the river mouth. · Provided 1/3 of the material costs and all of the labour and project management required to build the ABCA Pavilion. Numerous independent donations from club members further supported the completion of this project. · Annual provision, installation and maintenance of 25 River Channel Markers (some lighted), which help direct safe passage for boaters along the river. · Initiated the removal of old and dangerous swings and provided $1500.00 towards the installation of new playground equipment and beach volleyball court.