2023 PFYC Executive
Commodore: George Lunick
Past Commodore: Glen Van Valkenburg
Vice-Commodore: Jim Dorman
Treasurer: Bob Parke
Secretary: Karen Caughy
Dockmaster: Stuart Melanson
Directors: Les Anderson, Herman Schollaert, Ted Peters, John McClennan, Jim Anderson
Past Commodores:
2017-2022: Glen Van Valkenburg
2011-16: Jim Anderson
2009-11: Gerry Muller
2008:Jud Lee
2007:Joe Ansems
2003-06:Bob Parke
2001-02:Stuart Melanson
2000:Dean Pulford
1999:Art Lake
1998:Ted Soan
1996-97:Doug MacLaine
1994-95:Greta Soan
1992-93:Rick Witherspoon
1991:Larry Root
1988-90:Sid Floyd
1987:R.C. Albini
1985-86:G.W. Weese
1985:R.G. Slatter
1984:R.G. Rumming
1983:E.E. Scuton
Executive Responsibilities:
All positions held by the PFYC Executive Board are volunteer assignments that have been designated through an annual election process. The time and dedication given by all of the elected executives - past, present and future - is greatly appreciated and integral to the success of the organization.
The Commodore presides at all meetings of the general membership and the Board of Directors and is also responsible for
the general management and operations of the club.
Past Commodore:
The Past Commodore holds a senior level within the executive, providing guidance and assistance to the Board and
club members. Responsibilities are varied and may be numerous.
The Vice-Commodore assists the Commodore with general club responsibilities and organization as required. In the absence
or inability of the Commodore, the Vice-Commodore shall act as the Commodore.
The Treasurer is responsible for preparing and monitoring financial records, statements, budgets and reports. In addition,
he/she is required to record receipts and disbursements; collect and deposit funds obtained from membership dues,
dockage and events.
The Secretary attends all club meetings and records and distributes the minutes. In addition to coordinating all
correspondence to the members and the public, he/she makes necessary preparations for meetings and events.
The Dockmaster manages the allocation, management and maintenance of the North Side slips. He assists in collecting
dockage fees and communicates regularly with docking members.
Technology Specialist:
The Technology Specialist oversees the website management, webcam operations and all other technical aspects required for
club operations.
The Directors assume various responsibilities including organizing club cruises; organizing and managing club events;
maintaining membership directories; assisting with channel marker maintenance, installation and removal. In addition,
the directors are club ambassadors who promote the club to others and insure membership expectations are met.